Friday, July 6, 2012


Hi Everyone!

I know Sinfully Tasty Reads has been really quiet lately with post. We really haven't had the time to keep up with Good Choice Reading and Sinfully Tasty Reads. However, this is going to change within the next month or so.

We are working on a new layout and have a bigger team now. We feel it's time we relaunch STR! Debbie, who is in charge of all Romance reviews over at GCReading, will be taking control of STR. We will also be doing our best to bring you today's best romance!

So stay tuned! <3


Thursday, July 5, 2012

Authors After Dark: Limited spots left for AUTHORS!

Hi everyone!

I am sure you all know by now about Authors After Dark, and how excited I am to be attending again this year in New Orleans!

Author Stella Price, mastermind behind AAD, is already setting things up for AAD 2013! She recently shared on Facebook all the deets about next year!

AND O-M-G guys I am super excited about next year because for the first time EVER in AAD history, Author Stella Price is going to have a YOUNG ADULT Day.

Here is what she had to say on Facebook...
Authors After Dark is the fastest growing convention in romance today, and we are currently populating authors for the 2013 year in Savannah August 15-18 2013. We have sold out the past three years and Expect to again for 2013, and we would love to have YOU join us!

The event is a for readers by authors event, committed to furthering the reader/ author relationship. we are a non profit organization (meaning Myself and my staff make no money off this event) and have the support and sponsorship for 5 of the big 6 publishers and a slew of small press publishers.

AAD is an event that is run on the philosophy that Without our readers, we would all be out of a job, and we strive to make the event fun and unique for all the attendees.

AAD is the only con in romance that has an in house tattoo artist, an in house corsetier and is sponsored by a different makeup company each year (for 2013 its Lime Crime Makeup). We have tons of panels, parties, events and opportunities for featured authors, and that is what we are looking for!

***We will also have a first year YA event.. if your a YA author... please contact me Immediately if you would like to participate in this event!****

Featured Authors have the ability to be on panels, host reader events, participate in media opportunities and of course, sign in the big booksigning on the saturday of the con. We are looking for the following:

9 NY published authors
3 small Press published authors
5 self published authors (that meet the required benchmarks)

We have 100 featured authors for 2013 and this is what we have to fill to hit the 100 mark! you can see more info at the AAD website: (FAQ and everything else is there!)

So what are you waiting for? we cant wait for you to join us! Please contact stella ASAP to get the ball rolling!

So there you have it! If you're an author who writes Romance or YA, contact Stella Price today to be one of AAD2013 Featured authors! Stella can be reached at the following e-mail address: BlueFlamesabove(at)yahoo(dot)com or you can stop by the Facebook event page:

If you're attending Authors After Dark in NOLA this year be sure to say hello! As both Debbie and I we will be attending!!! <3